Protection by Xanthones


Among the powerful phytonutrients found in the rind of the mangosteen, xanthones stand alone in their impressive benefits. Scientific studies suggest xanthones may promote well-being. Researchers have identified dozens of biologically active xanthones in the mangosteen fruit. Today, researchers are just beginning to uncover the powerful scientific properties behind the mangosteen fruit.

What are Xanthones?

Xanthones are:

  • A unique class of biologically active compounds possessing numerous bioactive capabilities - such as neutralizing free redicals.

  • A restricted group of plant polyphenols, biosynthetically related to the flavonoids.

    • polyphenol – a group of plant chemical substances characterized by the presence of more than one phenolic group. Polyphenols are responsible for the color of some plants and are considered strong antioxidants with potential health benefits.

    • flavonoid – over 5,000 naturally occurring flavonoids have been characterized from various plants. The beneficial effects of plant-derived food are often attributed to flavonoid compounds, rather than known nutrients, as they show a wide range of biological effects.

  • Chemically speaking, planar-six carbon molecules in a conjugated ring system consisting of a backbone molecule and various chemical groups attached to it. The backbone consists of two benzene rings bridged through a carbonyl group and oxygen. Each ring is connected in a fused formation not allowing free rotation about the carbon-carbon bonds. This unique backbone along with type and position of the attached chemical groups define specific functionalities (properties) of xanthones.

The mangosteenxanthoon

The mangosteen provide a rich source of xanthones. A very stable molecule with multiple duplicate connections. In nature 200 xanthonen have been discovered. But no plant or fruit contains as many xanthones as the mangosteen. In particular, in the skin of the mangosteen are more than 40 xanthones. By donating electrons, free radicals are neutralized. The scientific community has detected and confirmed in many scientific reports the strength of the mangosteen in its high content of Xanthones.

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Mangosteen the power fruit!

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